Sunday, July 5, 2015

Goonies never say bye

(or die.)

Goodbyes are just the worst. Their the worst for two big fatty reasons:

1. Goodbyes are awkward. I think there's this expectation that the more you care about someone, the more you have to be dramatic whenever they go somewhere for a while. Any not-being sad is confused with not-caring. And this is especially misleading when I believe that

2. Goodbyes don't exist. They're not real. They're fake, phony, non-existent. Call me an optimist or whatever you like, but really, goodbyes don't exist. Humans invented them. Any goodbye you've ever said ever is just a "nos vemos" or a "see you later" or a "peace out, mister trout" and you will be seeing them sooner or later. 

take this weekend for example:

I went to this magical place called 'BaƱos de Agua Santa' and met up with a mission companion I had in Guatemala. Guatemala. Like, what?? What are the odds that my internship placed me a bus ride away from where one of my friends I met in Guatemala lives???

Here's a picture of Luis and I at a sulfur lake near Volcano Tecuamburro, after one of our service projects in Guatemala around 3 years ago. 


Now here's us yesterday, in Ecuador, near Volcano Tungurahua. 

Clear evidence that goodbyes are just a bunch of malarky. And, that apparently I love volcanoes. 
Still not convinced? Here's some more evidence:

Here's Elder Knutson and Elder Baquerizo on one of my last p-days (preparation days) on my mission in Guatemala's capital about 2 years ago. He was my last mission companion. And...

BOOM. Ismael and I about a month ago at his house here in Quito. Ecuadorians are dope. 

Clearly, when we said goodbye in Guatemala, it was actually just a "see ya later." I had noooo idea I was ever going to Ecuador when I was in Guatemala, but here I am! And I got to see these awesome friends of mine!! Slayer. 

As part of my religion, I believe in something called the plan of salvation. It's the belief that God has created a plan for all of us, His children, the end goal being eternal happiness and progression with all those we love the most. It's insanely beautiful doctrine. There are no goodbyes in God's plan for us. When a loved one passes away, it's nothing but a really long (if not excruciating) "nos vemos." Seeing my friends again here in Ecuador made our goodbyes in Guatemala pointless. I think that's what it'll be like when we see our loved ones again in the next life: However painful it is now, we'll look back on our mortal-time apart as little blips in the grand scheme of things and the goodbyes we said as pointless. 


more on the plan of salvation here: